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Staff Power Carving Comp 2021

Staff Power Carving Comp 2021

We get together at the end of every year, and ask staff to create a woodworking project using Arbortech tools and submit it into the annual Staff Power Carving Competition. Everyone gets into it and we all get a little competitive, and this year we were all seriously blown away by the level of creativity, talent and imagination from our team.

Every year a new staff member is shocked, almost confused, by how easy the Arbortech woodworking tools are to use and what they can do with them. But that’s what we are all about, making creativity with wood accessible and fun.

It’s an exciting time at HQ when everyone starts to chatter and bounce creative ideas off one another. Whilst some chip away for months on their projects, others like to leave it to the last minute, frantically carving a day out from the big event. One thing's for sure, you can always tell it’s competition time by the wood chip trail evidence left all over the place!

We welcomed many new starters to the Arbortech family in 2021, and although they were brand new to woodworking, they all willingly picked up the tools and participated in the tradition. 

“It’s always nice to see new staff members come on board and be blown away by what they create and how quickly they can achieve it with our tools,” CEO, Kevin Inkster said. 

From Production to Finance, and every department in between, it was great to see Arbortechies, both new and old, join in on the creative fun and get their power carving on!


Arbortech Staff Power Carving Competition 2021
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