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Sean Philips

Sean Philips


In carving, as in life, Sean does everything by intuition and feel. No straight lines. No perfect circles. He embraces the unpredictability of his chosen medium: Salvaged green wood. Its grain, tones, and the way it cracks as it dries all contribute to its unique personality. Each piece has its own character. Sean approaches every carving as a meditation, a kind of conversation. While he may start with an idea, he always lets the wood dictate the final form. Whether it's bowls, vases, or fine art, each piece is a unique expression of this philosophy. Sean only uses salvaged wood, ensuring that trees destined for the fire live on as practical and beautiful works of art.

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Philips creates one-of-a-kind pieces using wood sourced from backyards, boulevards, golf courses, and acreages all around Winnipeg, Manitoba.

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With a little imagination, and a lot of creative carving, he turns these condemned trees into functional works of art.

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Philips works of art are all unique and accentuate the grain and tone of the wood they are carved from.

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From discarded wood to a large, decorative bowl.

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This ash wood sculpture was crafted from a 3 branch crook, to follow the natural shape of the wood. Tree salvaged from a back yard in South St. Vital.

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A conversation piece for the home or office, this trio of vases is a classic example of Philips work.

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Embracing the raw beauty of timber's natural edges. Letting its organic charm shine as the star of the show.

How did you get into woodworking?

I started off whittling, but almost severed a tendon in my left hand. So, I decided I might as well try power tools and see if I could lose a couple of fingers! I was always an artist. I painted and sketched all my life, but I wanted to make practical, usable art, so I decided to get into bowl making.

What inspires your creations?

I love organic shapes and curved lines. Aiming for perfection is the enemy of progress and interesting art. So, I just follow the grain and see what happens. I approach each piece with a spirit of play.

What would you tell your younger self starting out in your artistic journey?

Get into the bigger pieces now. It is way more fun!

What is your favorite Arbortech tool and why?

The TURBO Plane is unbeatable for roughing out quickly and precisely. It's the only tool I've found that can eat chunks of oak for breakfast, and then effortlessly make precision curves in softer woods like applewood. I can't live without it.

If you were a type of wood, what would you be and why?

Russian Olive: crusty bark on the outside, but intricate layers of complexity as you dig deeper!

To learn more about Sean Philips, follow the links below.

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